What to Expect...
A thorough assessment of your problem or condition will be conducted. This will involve going over your intake forms, detailed questions about your condition and medical history, as well as a detailed physical examination. Typical assessment time takes about 55 minutes.
Once the assessment is complete, the cause of the problem will be explored and a physiotherapy treatment program will be discussed. Make sure you understand your treatment plan and remember to ask if you need clarification.
If possible, please complete all intake forms prior to your first appointment with Joyce Clark. If intake forms are completed ahead of time, valuable time on your assessment will be saved.
Intake forms include a medical history, consent form, and a health survey.
Coverage and Benefit Plans
As a registered physiotherapist, your treatments with Joyce are covered and included within motor vehicle accident claims, and most health benefit plans.
Check with your employer or health care plan about specific coverage amounts and claims submission process for physiotherapy services.