signs of a TMJ condition may include:

  • TMJ (Jaw) area Pain

  • Muscle tightness and/or pain in the jaw area that may be affecting the bite

  • Jaw pain with functions like opening wide, chewing, grinding, yawning

  • Headaches (especially in the temple area)

  • Neck Pain

  • Ear pain or tinnitus

Wondering if your problem is TMJ related ?


Suggestions for Painful TMJ

(These suggestions DO NOT replace the advice of a trained practitioner)

Tongue Positioning

The recommended resting position of the tongue roof of the mouth at the place where your tongue contacts when you say the word “now”

Temporary Pain Free Diet

Smaller pieces, less toughness of foods , less hard foods. 7-10 days of a softer diet may give your jaw a chance to rest. Ensure you are getting adequate nutrition.

Change Jaw Behaviour

Avoid unnecessary jaw behaviours such as clenching, leaning your chin on your hand, biting objects , biting or chewing your cheek.

See A physiotherapist

Our team of educated health professionals can help to evaluate and treat problems related to TMJ conditions.

Check out these resources to learn more

Understanding Jaw Motion

Oral Behaviour Checklist

Information on Ear Tinnitus

Get your smile back


Find a physiotherapy practitioner in your area or speak to your dentist
